Chasing Catherine Authors Dana Bowen + Chloe Brogan

Get to know Chasing Catherine authors Dana Bowen and Chloe Brogan

Dana Bowen Chloe BroganWhat made you want to become an author and do you feel it was the right decision?

D: I’ve always had a love for reading and writing–and with Covid kind of messing up everything I thought I wanted from the next few years of my life–it seemed like a solid logical thing to try. After holding a physical copy of Chloe and my book, I am sure it was the right thing to do.

C: I’ve always loved to write. I’ve always been a creative person. I get hit by imposter syndrome a lot and I feel like somehow I’m tricking everyone into liking me and my art. Which logically makes no sense but it’s such a real feeling. I wanted to write and leave my mark but was too scared. When Dana came to me and said hey “I wrote this will you read it” and it was a couple pages I wanted to do for her what I was scared to do for myself and supported her. Then when we started on chapter to she trusted me to write some and then believed in me and pushed me.

So long story short I’ve always wanted to and without Dana I wouldn’t have. I held our book for the first time a few days ago. While that ugly impostor syndrome tried to creep on me I know what we wrote was good and that it was the right decision and I can’t wait to do more.

A day in the life of the author?

D: I don’t think I’m quite at the point of considering myself an author. I don’t spend days and days writing at a time. My ‘Author Life’ looks a lot like me taking care of my kids and doing chores, then standing in the shower 15 minutes longer than I should have to type out the random idea I had for a book on my phone.

C: Are we author technically but financially we can’t make it our whole lives yet. So most days I spend homeschooling kids or wiping butts and then once the kids are asleep I blast some Lo-Fi hip hop and start writing.

Describe your writing style.

D: I don’t really know. Modern, descriptive, and slightly romantic.

C: I think my writing style can be very casual and I lean more towards comedy. I wonder if you all can pick who’s who from our book.

What is your writing Kryptonite?

D: Mental Illness. Lol

b: Digging deep. I love writing the levity and comedy scenes, but I wrote a few scenes from Catherine’s point of view and had to face some of my own struggles while writing it and avoided writing the scene.

How long on average does it take you to write a book?

D: Alone it’s appearing to take me much longer. But together I think Chloe and I finished the first and second draft of this one and editing process in about 6 months.

C: For this book it was about 6 months. My solo project has taken me longer but our main focus has been this so that’s to be expected.

About Dana and Chloe

Dana and Chloe grew up in rural Ohio, and sparked a close friendship in the summer of 2019. When the Pandemic hit in 2020 they saw it as an opportunity to be adventurous.

As two young moms, they spent months finding creative outlets through baking and art, but they were running out of things to do. So, when Dana came to Chloe one Friday over coffee and suggested they write a book — it seemed like the next logical step in their endeavors to use their time at home to pursue something they’d always dreamed of doing.

The two discovered quickly that they made a great pair, and the story spun itself together almost overnight. The pair plan to keep up the momentum as Indie Authors, exploring all subgenres of romance in their coming stories.

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About the Book

Chasing Catherine book coverChasing Catherine by Dana Bowen & Chloe Brogan
Genre: Contemporary Romance


“It was all I could do last night to let you walk away from me. I wanted you to stay so badly. I wanted to sit and talk the rest of the night. I wanted to walk you home.” His eyes drag greedily down my body and back up to meet my gaze. “I can’t seem to get enough of you. You showed up tonight in that dress, and I thought I was going to have a heart attack.” He closes the last bit of distance between us, dropping his hands to rest lightly on my hips.

Chasing Catherine is a Contemporary Romance about escaping abuse, friendship, and finding love after heartbreak. This heartfelt and empowering story follows Catherine Martin after her escape from an abusive ex-boyfriend and her journey to self-discovery.

This book is the first of two about Catherine and Nathan, as well as the jumping-off point in the Bethon Grove series. 24 chapters of romance, compassion, self-discovery, drama, family, and friendship.

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