Chaos & Rock Stars

Author Jamie Shaw gives us an insight as to why she writes rock star novels and why we all love them. Come on you know you love them. I think at some point we all fantasized about capturing the heart or the neither region of a rock star. Note that rock star also includes boy bands. 😉


Jamie Shaw ChaosI write rock star romance for the same reasons readers read it: because, let’s face it, rock stars are hot as hell, and deep down, we all want to be that one special girl who captures the bad boy who could have it all.

Rock stars have fame, money, legions of adoring fans. They have girls throwing themselves at their feet. They’re the kings of one-night stands. They’re the guys who refuse to get tied down—not by nine-to-five jobs, and certainly not by just any girl. They’re untamable, and if they love you—really love you—they’re going to love you forever.

Being with a rock star means hearing a song on the radio and knowing it was written for you. It means standing in a sea of girls and having his eyes on you, because you are the one he’s singing to. It means going on tour, seeing the world, and then, at night, getting to curl up with a guy who is passionate, creative, and devoted.

Rock stars aren’t just any guys, and they don’t fall for just any girl. I write their stories because it gives me, and my readers, a chance to be that lucky girl.

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Chaos book coverChaos Mayhem #3 by Jamie Shaw
Release date: July 21, 2015
Published by: Avon Impulse


From the moment she saw Shawn Scarlett perform at a school talent show, Kit Larson has loved two things: the guitar, and the gorgeous, green-eyed boy who inspired her to play. But one careless night in high school shatters her hope of ever being more than a notch on his bedpost.

Six years, two bands, and one mostly-mended heart later, Kit’s about to make her rock star dreams a reality as the new guitarist for Shawn’s band, The Last Ones to Know. He may not remember their reckless night together, but Kit has never forgotten… and she’s determined to make him eat his heart out.

The release of their new album means a month cooped up on a tour bus, sleeping inches away from the ridiculously sexy musician she’s never quite gotten over. And as Kit gets to know the real Shawn—not Shawn Scarlett, the rock god, the player—their attraction becomes too hot to resist. But the past is paved with secrets, and when they finally surface, Kit could lose everything: the band, the music, her dreams… and Shawn.

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About Jamie Shaw

Born and raised in South Central Pennsylvania, Jamie Shaw earned her M.S. in Professional Writing before realizing that the creative side of writing was her calling. An incurable night-owl, she spends late hours crafting novels with relatable heroines and swoon-worthy leading men. She’s a loyal drinker of white mochas, a fierce defender of emo music, and a passionate enthusiast of all things romance. She loves interacting with readers and always aims to add new names to their book boyfriend lists.

Connect with Jamie: Website | Facebook Twitter | Goodreads


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