Book Talk with Cecile Tellier

Cecile Teller InterviewWhat is the first book that made you cry?

Well, books frequently make me cry but I would say Anne Rice’s Interview with a Vampire.  She was my first major author addiction, and I fancied myself a bit like Claudia.

What are common traps for aspiring writers?

Comparisons.  This is a trap for new and seasoned writers as well.  You should never compare yourself to others.  At the end of the day, you are your own biggest competition.  Every project I take on, I hope is better than my last.

Does a big ego help or hurt writers?

Ego is often talked about in the negative but it is just someone’s sense of self-esteem or importance.  We should have good self-esteem and definitely a sense of importance. When having a big ego hurts a writer is if it stops them from accepting criticism, or relating to their readers.

What is your writing Kryptonite?

Time, I have to manage my time wisely.  I think most writers who are also mothers, wives, etc., have to balance their time.

What was the best money you ever spent as a writer?

Hands down I would say conventions and signings.  If I didn’t have an opportunity to come out and meet everyone it would be so much harder to make some of the reader connections that I’ve made.  I truly love hanging out with everyone!

What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

The internet is amazing, however, if I can’t find information that I can trust on the web, I will contact someone who is an expert.  An example of this would be the time I asked about a rocket launcher and was given a million youtube links to what they actually do to buildings.  That was research gold.

Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?

I love this question.  I sometimes do read them but I’m not obsessive about reading them or knowing how many I have.  If a blogger does a nice review I will often share it and thank them.

If I receive a “bad” review, I will typically analyze the information and if it’s helpful, [I] use it in my next project.  If the review is not necessarily helpful I will just accept it and move on.  I never engage with people over reviews, other than to thank them.

Do you believe in writer’s block?

I do believe in it.  I don’t tend to suffer from it because my muse is my dreams.  I never lack for material, in fact, I sometimes am overloaded.  I have friends who write however that have had stretches of silence from their muses.  I think the best you can do is keep writing, even if it’s a grocery list or a journal.  Listen to music, take in the arts.  I feel like the first thing that jumpstarts the muse is other creative outlets.

About Cecile Tellier Cecile Teller author

Cecile Tellier holds Masters degrees in Special Education as well as Criminal Justice: Law. She lives in upstate NY with her husband and two children.

She got her start in writing as early as high school and has been published in poetry anthologies and freelance erotica. Cecile is part of a wonderfully supportive critique group lovingly referred to as the Round Robbins.

Cecile believes that everything in life that can be accomplished should and has endeavored to live up to this whether it was starting a flat track Roller Derby league or writing the next great romance novel.

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About the Book

Saints Mercy book coverSaint’s Mercy Santa Cruz Saints Book 1 by Cecile Tellier
Genre: MC Romance


Lucien Rossi grew up on the streets of Santa Cruz, California.  He had little to nothing to call his own, and ran with a rough crowd.  He only had two things he cherished in his life, the most important was Luz Ramirez. When he met her he knew she was someone he would die to protect.  Years later and now a president of the Saint’s Mercy Motorcycle Club, he’s about to find out that Luz is still a grenade to his best intentions.

When her mother passed away, Luz Ramirez was given a second chance at a happy life with her foster mother.  What she didn’t count on was that she would meet the dangerous but magnetic Lucien.  Even after forcing herself to move away rather than become like her mother, it only takes a few days back for this bail bondswoman to recognize who her heart belongs to.

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