Help Catapult Bring Back Our Girls

Via Catapult.
Catapult Bring Back our Girls photo
Photo via Catapult

The abduction of more than 275 school girls is just the latest outrageous example of girls being victimized simply because they are girls, and specifically, girls trying to go to school.Join Girl Rising and Catapult in supporting girls’ education in Nigeria and around the world. Take action:

  • Donate to the Bring Back Our Girls Emergency Project on Catapult. 100% of donations go to organizations focused on girls’ education programming and advocacy in Nigeria and other areas where support for girls’ education is urgently needed.
  • Text BRINGBACK to 50555 to give $10 in support of Bring Back Our Girls (terms).
  • Spread the news: join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter by using#BringBackOurGirls
Every girl has the right to go to school without fearing for her life.  We know that girls’ education is one of the best investments the world can make in building healthy, prosperous societies. As activists and global leaders work together to rescue the girls who were kidnapped, help us bring awareness and donations to organizations that educate and empower girls in the region.


The Catapult Team



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