Into the Mind of Claudia Y. Burgoa

Guest post by Claudia Y. Burgoa

Claudia Y. Burgoa.  Photo courtesy Xpresso Tours
Claudia Y. Burgoa.
Photo courtesy Xpresso Tours

I want to be a Spy… or a Secret Agent. Or travel to the future…Why I write.

Recently I was asked what part of myself had been poured into the main character of Getting By or I wanted to be like her.

Neither, in fact, after writing the book and reading it a couple of times, what I want is to have Jake’s old job as a spy. How cool would it be to have the training to drive any kind of vehicle, or shoot any weapon or have the abilities to kill a fly with only a butter knife? Not that I’d be willing to do so, but having the attributes of a kick ass agent must be awesome.

My imagination has been running free since the first time I was able to hold a book. The first time I told someone one of those crazy stories, I was thirteen. A teenager who knew better when it came to the boogey man, the Tooth fairy and other mystical creatures, but had fun creating worlds, characters and stories. I have to confess that I’m secretly afraid and mesmerized by aliens, the ambivalence goes as far as wanting to be one and burring my head when I hear stories about them.

As I said, at the age of thirteen, I shared my first story and had my first boyfriend. Neither of one lasted long. What was it about?

I was the daughter of an alien couple, they dropped me because my world was in the middle of a war against another planet. This guy believed me when I said, they’d come to rescue me during New Year’s Day because I was important to them—like a princess, the emperor’s daughter or a similar thing. Poor boy, he had no chance when it came to my crazy imagination. He believed me for some time and asked me questions about them—my parents—and my world. Obviously at some point, he realized I was a nut case. That happened the first day of school after winter break. The spell broke once I tried to explain how my parents were killed while trying to enter the Earth’s atmosphere.

If only I had had those parents, well, I would’ve used their laser guns to shoot my boyfriend’s home for breaking up with me. No such luck, but in my head, my parents arrived with the alien version of Rob Lowe in tow. Now that’s an ending I was willing to live with. Who cared about what was his name?

That’s one of the coolest part about writing, that you can give your characters the power of maim their enemies, break a concrete wall with the blink of an eye, cross a mirror to a different dimension or make them fall in love with the anti-hero, because that was the best way to unravel the plot. And why some day I hope to become a fairy that can take over an entire army of trolls.

A Knights Tale book cover by Claudia Burgoa
Cover courtesy Xpresso Tours

Getting by ~ A Knight’s Tale I by Claudia Y. Burgoa
Publication date: February 18th 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult


When Emma Anderson arrived at San Francisco International Airport, she regretted accepting the distinction of being the maid of honor to Gaby’s—her childhood friend—wedding. It had been years since the last time she set foot in Menlo Park, where her parents had been killed. The rug where she had been shoving her feelings since that day looked bumpier than a camel’s hump. Who could blame her; if she hadn’t been selfish they’d still be around. Ever since that fateful day, Emma has been perfecting the knack of Getting By.

Cade’s wedding in Menlo Park—a city close to San Francisco—might be the perfect place for Jake Knight to shake the memories of his ex, Emma Anderson for good. Single, available women galore for an entire week was the perfect medication, one he intended to take three times a day for an entire week to return to his player days. It was a plan the former spy thought flawless until he came face to face with the maid of honor. Jake’s perfect retreat turns into a flight, fight or hide week of celebrations.

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About the Author

Claudia lives in Colorado with her family and three dogs. Two beagles who believe they are human, and a bichon who thinks she’s a beagle. While managing life, she works as a CFO at a small IT Company. She’s a dreamer who enjoys music, laughter and a good story.

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