Who is Bridget Fitzgerald?
Hey guys! Bridget Fitzgerald is a film actress and an upbeat comedienne. I hope to be the lead in your favorite romantic comedy. Every day I get to act is the best day of my life.
My biggest role to date is a supporting role as the sassy, wheelchair-bound veteran, Laura Donnelly in Joe’s War with Armand Assante and Ed Asner. (It was my favorite because I got to do both funny and serious material and work with an amazing cast and crew). For the past seven years I have been performing live improv comedy, been doing stand-up, modeling – notably as the first spokes-model for the online video site MyPodStudios.com. I’ve starred in and produced my own sitcom pilot Musie that won Katra Film Series’s Best of June 2013.
How and why did you get into acting?
When I was little, maybe second or third grade, I went to this local theater, the Queens Playhouse, and saw The Secret Garden, and I just fell in love. I was like, ‘I want to be that girl! I have to be that girl!’ So I just threw my whole heart into it. Soon after, I got to be the lead in my class’s production of The Nutcracker. I remember at one point getting on my knees to look through the keyhole – something that wasn’t in the script, and the other boy didn’t get on his knees with me! I got so– mad. Like, be here with me! I totally yanked him! And I can yank. Ask my clothes hangers. These monkey arms mean bid-ness.
How long have you been in the business?
Ten years of love.
Do you have any method of acting that you prefer?
I’m instinctively method – sometimes a prop or a costume will just suck me into that person’s world. As far as a learned technique, I studied improv the most, at Upright Citizens Brigade NY. It helped me with deeper listening and responding to all that the other actor gives verbally and physically.

Do you prefer stage, screen or modeling?
Screen 100 percent. I’m just built for it; my face tells so much. Always has. Controlling that gift has been my challenge as an actor.
What is the funniest thing that happened during a stand-up routine?
Oh man! I hope my show. If not, I am sorry.
What is the nicest compliment you received from someone in the industry?
I made the camera operator and assistant tear up while playing a cancer survivor in the feature film, Things I Don’t Understand. To really reach someone, to tap into them, that’s what this is all about. I remember after my friend came to an improv show, she was wiping tears away – she’d laughed till she literally cried – and was like, “Thank you. I needed that.” We all need a good laugh or a good cry sometimes. I thank God for letting me help people get there.
On a nerdy level, one time, after my biggest stand-up show ever, Michael Showalter came backstage and said to the host, “that was really funny.” Then saw me standing there, and he was like, “you were really funny.” And I was like, (uhhh-dying-inside-I-loved-you-in-The-Baxter-be-cool-Fitz) “…thanks.” Nice-one-Fitz- real-cool-Fitz- high-five-Fitz. (slow blink).
How do you stay positive on down days?
I do what every red-blooded American does… I Pinterest pictures of “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life, so what is there but to keep moving? Tomorrow’s new. Start there. Life is a spiral, not a circle, so take the lesson, embrace change, and grow. You are not your mistakes. You are growing into that beautiful person you always wanted to be, one step at a time – they won’t always be perfect steps. I also have a great foundation; my Christian faith gives me strength plus I’ve been blessed with family and friends who believe in me. And some incredible fans! I see y’all on my Facebook page BridgetFitzgeraldFans!. I guess if all else fails… puppies. I once had a two pet store day. Gotta take care of you, y’all.
What advice would you give to anyone wanting to get into comedy or acting?
Seek honesty. Nothing is funnier or more moving than the truth. And like my dad said — you only go this way once. Have fun along the way.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like doing the NY Times Sunday crossword, because I’m a big ole nerd. I buy the anthologies nerd. Including the one that had the number of my birthday this year nerd. I also just went through a jewelry phase where I made a slew of lariat necklaces, like a plane looping through the other end so it looked like it was going to a star. And another one, just with a bear. Guys, I’m a softie.
Bonus questions! (Awarded because of Bridget’s cool factor)
What pre-performance rituals do you do?
I bless myself on three places – my head, my heart, and my ears – because I pray God helps me use my brain, follow my heart, and listen so I won’t miss those silly, wonderful, honest moments.
What is your dream role and why?
The lead of a romantic comedy. When Harry Met Sally, Never Been Kissed. Pretty Woman is one of my favorite movies. And you love them because they have these women who are smart and funny, they have hearts, plus cool girls you’d wanna hang out with. You can watch these movies a million times – I’ve probably watched While You Were Sleeping a million times! They pick you up and make you smile. That’s what I hope to do for someone, to bring them that warm smile.
You can see Bridget in these films
A Life in Shadows (Cannes 2013), Wedding Day, Pearl, Marked Man, Things I Don’t Understand, …Around and the soon to be released Joe’s War.
Currently bubbly Bridget is working on a short drama called Down Force. She performs improv every Friday night at the Queens Secret Theater. Please click on the link for show information and tickets.
Bridget loves to hear from fans, you can contact her at:
Follow her on Twitter at @smileybridge.
There’s a rumor going around that if you put a message on her IMDB message board she’ll love you for life and even answer your questions!
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