Book Promo: The Subway Girl

The Subway Girl The Subway Girl Series Book 1 by Lisa Becker
Genre: Contemporary Romantic Comedy

Contemporary Romantic Comedy About Fate and Unexpected Love From An Award-Winning Writer

“You don’t find love, it finds you. It’s got a little bit to do with destiny, fate and what’s written in the stars.” Anais Nin


A hopeless romantic.

A cynical web show producer.

An unscrupulous cameraman.

A sleazy businessman.

An aspiring actress.

A womanizing best friend.

A scheming ex-girlfriend.

A commitment-phobic roommate.

An unlucky-in-love buddy.

These lives intersect when an average guy is awed by a gorgeous mystery woman on a New York subway and vows to meet her.

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Other books from Lisa Becker.

About Lisa Becker

Lisa BeckerLisa Becker is an award-winning romance writer who spends her time like she spends her money – on books and margaritas.  As Lisa’s grandmother used to say, “For every chair, there’s a tush.” Lisa is now happily married to a wonderful man she met online and lives in Manhattan Beach, California with him and their two daughters. So, if it happened for her, there’s hope for anyone!

Connect with Lisa on her Website | Facebook | ReadersGroup | Twitter | Bookbub | Amazon | Goodreads

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