Top 5 Ways to Meet a Billionaire

Shopping for a Billionaire's FianceeTop 5 Ways to Meet a Billionaire While Mystery Shopping

You’all may know I’ve done a bit of mystery shopping. I promise you I’ve never done this. Honest. Today’s guest post is by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Julia Kent.

  1. Drive a car that advertises a coffee shop but the “coffee bean” on top looks like something else. Drive it to the most expensive mall in town. Pretend to ignore the stares.
  2. Mystery shop at Tiffany’s while borrowing your neighbor’s teacup chihuahua.
  3. Pretend you’re the cleaning lady for the helicopters parked on top of the skyscrapers in Boston.
  4. Refuse all fast food mystery shopping jobs.
  5. Evaluate the cleanliness of the men’s bathroom and drop your cell phone in the toilet by accident.

Number five definitely happens in the Shopping for a Billionaire series… 😉

Q: Why a mystery shopper and a billionaire? Isn’t that an odd combination?

A: Yes! And that’s the point: you don’t think about someone who mystery shops for a living finding herself dating a high-powered billionaire. Most mystery shoppers go into stores and do customer service evaluations (in secret!) to make a little money and get free stuff. Billionaires are the opposite: their time is more valuable than anything else. It seemed like a neat combination, and one that would give me some great material to work with.

Q: Shannon struggles in the first book (Shopping for a Billionaire) with her feelings for her ex-boyfriend, Steve. Declan is full-on attracted to her, and has no problem putting Steve in his place when they meet. Why didn’t Shannon just dump Steve right away?

A: Shannon’s ex does NOT appear in Shopping for a Billionaire’s Fiancee (though he will appear in future books…spoiler!) because it took 670 pages in the first book to deal with that! Shannon is a deeply loyal person, but at the beginnning of the series she’s also insecure. She’s trying to figure out who she is in relation to other people — and what she wants out of life. Navigating that road can be tough, but she does it so well. She admire’s how Declan just knows what he wants, and gets it.

At the same time, Declan really treasures the fact that Shannon is a deep feelers. She isn’t shallow like so many women he’s dated.

Q: You’ve turned a cat into a character. Chuckles the Cat is, um…evil personified. Tell us about Chuckles.

A: To be fair, we meet Chuckles in Shopping for Billionaire when Shannon is petting him and her mother appears suddenly in the apartment. Shannon turns the poor cat into a weapon, flinging him at her mom. I’d plan mayhem and destruction is someone did that to me. 🙂

When I write Chuckles I imagine an evil little frustrated man is trapped inside him. Poor cat. Shannon’s mom makes him wear reindeer costumes for Christmas pictures, for goodness sake!

But Chuckles LOVES Declan. He’s a kindred spirit.

Q: Declan does the classic “slip the ring in a glass of Champagne” proposal, but…

A: It goes horribly wrong. The ring never ends up in the Champagne, but it — whoops! SPOILER. Can’t tell the rest. Let’s just say Declan turns out to make mistakes, too. And he pays dearly for them.

Q: You used a lot of Twitter jokes in your Shopping for a Billionaire series. Will we see more Tweets in this book?

A: A few. Jessica Coffin (Steve’s girlfriend and Shannon’s nemesis) makes a brief reappearance that involves a particularly gross hashtag involving poor Shannon’s ring debacle.

Q: Are there more books planned in this series?

A: Oh, yes. Writing one as we speak. 🙂

Tour banner for Billionaire

Shopping for a Billionaire's Fiancee book coverTitle: Shopping for a Billionaire’s Fiancee by Julia Kent
(Shopping for a Billionaire #6)
Publication date: February 26th 2015
Genres: Comedy, New Adult, Romance


All of our best dates end up in the emergency room….

I planned the perfect proposal. Plenty of lobster, caviar, champagne and–her favorite–tiramisu. The perfect setting. The perfect woman. The perfect everything.

Dad gave me my late mother’s engagement ring, platinum and diamonds galore. Shannon wouldn’t care if I slid a giant hard-candy ring on her finger instead of a three-carat diamond designed to impress. But my future mother-in-law, Marie, will pass out when she sets eyes on that rock, which will give us two minutes of blessed silence. That woman talks more than Kim Kardashian flashes her naked backside on the internet.

I was going to make it perfect, from the color of the tablecloth to the freshness of the roses. And it was perfect.

Until Shannon swallowed the ring.

* * *

Shopping for a Billionaire’s Fiancée gives near-billionaire Declan McCormick the chance to tell his story in this continuation of the New York Times and USA Today bestselling Shopping for a Billionaire series.

Add Shopping for a Billionaire’s Fiancée to your Goodreads shelf.

Purchase Shopping for a Billionaire’s Fiancee (Shopping for a Billionaire series Book 6) on Amazon | B&N

About Julia Kent

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New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge, and new adult books that push contemporary boundaries. From billionaires to BBWs to rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every book she writes, but unlike Trevor from Random Acts of Crazy, she has never kissed a chicken.

Connect with the Author : Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


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