Simple Ways to Avoid Distractions While Writing

(Image: “writing” by Vassilis OnlineCC BY-SA 2.0.)

Writing can be a blessing or a curse. It’s a true adventure when the creative juices are flowing, allowing the words to spill out onto the page. You can spend hours plugging away on that important paper, article, presentation, or novel.

However, it can turn into a chore when you have writer’s block or you can’t focus on the task at hand. You need to set yourself up for a successful experience as you get your thoughts in order and try to capture them on the page.

Here are some tips on simple ways to avoid distractions while writing:

Designate a Space for Writing

If you are going to buckle down and get to work, you need to set aside a space for the sole purpose of writing. The kitchen table or the living room aren’t going to cut it.

There are too many opportunities to veer off the writing path when people are wandering through, the television is on, or someone is preparing dinner. Create an area of solitude that is a writing haven. Transform a spare room into a den or office.

If you don’t have the luxury of an extra bedroom, put a desk in your bedroom. Keep your writing area stocked with all of your supplies so you’re ready to go the next time you’re working on a project.

Tell Everyone You’re Not Available

You need to set boundaries with friends and family when you need to write. If other members of your family live with you, make it clear you are not to be disturbed while you are working.

  • Hang a whiteboard on the door where people can leave you important notes.
  • Turn off the sound on your phone. You can always catch up with texts and emails later.
  • Turn off notifications on your laptop or computer while you are working so nothing will pop up to pull your attention away.
  • Consider putting a message on your voicemail that you are writing and will get back to people as soon as possible.
  • You may need to hire a babysitter if another adult isn’t available to keep your children occupied when you are working.

Remember, everything else can wait. Whether it is that exciting Thursday Night Football game that you want to watch, the interesting investment scheme that you want to review, or the next episode of Griselda,  all of those distractions can wait until your writing session is complete. Stick to your guns.

Set a Timer

Block off a time when you plan on doing nothing but writing. Set a timer in a visible area. Don’t allow yourself to cut yourself short. If you finish a draft, go back and review it.

When one project is wrapped up, start outlining another one. Give yourself the luxury of an extension on your allotted time if you are on a roll. Let the words keep coming.

However, don’t forget to stop for a drink or snack, and to come out to see the rest of the world if you’ve been writing for a long time. You don’t want to burn out.

Try Going Old-School with Your Writing

Switching up how you write could allow you to lose yourself in your work. Try using a notebook or a writing journal and pen. It can give you satisfaction to see your words on something you can actually hold.

Pick up a typewriter at a flea market or antique shop. If you can’t live without a laptop, choose one that is only used for writing. Leave off all the extra apps so you aren’t sidetracked.

Find Your Inspiration

Get fired up about your writing. Post pictures and quotes in your writing space that help you to connect with your passions in life. Run with it when an idea grabs you.

You may find yourself going off on a tangent. See where it will take you when opportunity knocks. It could mean the beginning of an amazing piece.

Don’t Worry About Being Perfect

Far too many people get hung up on perfection when writing. If you mull over every correct spelling or spend all your time browsing in a thesaurus, very little will end up on the page.

Your main goal should be to hammer out your thoughts. The editing process will come later. Let the words flow like a river. Don’t worry about making it neat or putting your best work out there. Once you have material to work with on your computer or paper, you can go back and add your finishing touches.

Be Mindful of Deadlines

If you have a due date for an assignment or a draft for the editor, mark it on your calendar. Block out plenty of time to meet your deadline.

Don’t procrastinate. You’ll either run out of time or put too much pressure on yourself. Feeling anxious about writing is a good recipe for writer’s block. Make yourself sit down and write for a set amount of time each day until you get the job done.


Writing is an incredible journey, with both challenges and triumphs along the way. By embracing these simple strategies, you’ll transform distractions into dedication and unlock the full potential of your words. So, find your writing haven, set those boundaries, and let your creativity soar!

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