Ash to Steele Blog Tour & Giveaway

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An interview with Justin, from Ash to Steele

You are Emma’s ex-boyfriend.  How did it feel when she left Pickens to move to Boston?

I wouldn’t say I’m her ex-boyfriend; we’re just taking a break so she can go and explore her hobby.  Once she gets a dose of the city and gets this need to prove herself out of her system, she’ll be back.

You dated all through high school and college.  It must have been tough watching her leave and meet new people.  The thought of her dating someone else must be hard, especially since she’s probably never been with anyone else and is becoming friends with Breck, the notorious player who’s known for getting every woman he wants. 

Emma and I are close, I’m not too worried about her falling for someone else, especially some jerk who is only into one night stands.  She’s a preacher’s daughter and she was the one who wanted to wait until marriage before having sex.  We’ve talked about building a home together; if she wouldn’t give herself to me after dating eight years, she wouldn’t give herself away to some stranger.  I mean, I just don’t see her doing that.  Emma’s not that kind of girl.  She never has been, anyway.

Why didn’t you go with her to Boston?

My life is here.  Her life is here; she’s just confused about that at the moment. I’m going to visit her soon and I feel confident that I can talk her into coming back home, where she belongs.

From what I’ve heard, Emma has a real talent for painting.  Boston could provide a lucrative career for her. 

She’s always messing around with her art. Sure, I guess she is pretty good.  I’ve never really paid too much attention to her actual works, but she’s won awards. I tried to get her to major in something else in college, something that would give her a nice income, but she doesn’t need it.  I make enough to take care of her, and she’ll be able to continue to paint here.  She loves going to the lake to sketch.  I swear, I would have to pull her away from her art at times; she would just get so lost in it and lose track of the real world.  Emma’s a dreamer; I have to coax her back to reality sometimes.

Emma’s dad seems very supportive of her. 

John is a good man, although, I think he made a huge mistake allowing Emma to move to Boston.  She’s only twenty-two, and that’s not a place she should be living alone.  Emma will get homesick.  Pickens is all she’s ever known, almost her entire family is here.  She’ll be back…soon. 

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Synopsis Ash to Steele

Who I am and all I believe is marred with just one glance into angry, steel blue eyes. He seems to control my air, my ability to breathe. He makes me crave everything I know is a sin. Pure becomes tainted and lines are blurred. It’s my fault; I’m the one who isn’t strong enough. I’ve been damaged…broken. Breck’s words haunt me…’There’s a consequence for every choice you make.’

I’ve had so many women I can’t even remember over half of their names, but none of them are mine; I make damn sure of that. I take what I desire and never look back. I don’t need or want anyone, ever…not until I met Emma. Those eyes bore into what’s left of my soul and her touch sears me, weakens me. I want to hate her for that. She is my ruin…my sweetest hell.

Karen-Anne Stewart
Author Karen-Anne Stewart

About the Author

Karen-Anne Stewart is a new author and has only recently discovered that she is now addicted to writing.  Her first novel, Saving Rain, was originally going to be a single novel, but it quickly turned into a trilogy. She fell in love with the characters and had to continue the story.  Saving Rain is a new adult contemporary romance meant for readers 18 and older. 

She lives in the mountains with her family.  She loves to read, hike, and travel when she is not writing.  She is a sucker for romance, especially a book with a strong alpha male who has a sensitive side.  She also enjoys a good mystery and thrillers.

Her favorite author is James Patterson; he is an amazing writer.

With being a newbie, she is just learning all the ropes, but is loving the wild ride.  She plans to write for as long as her fingers have dexterity.

Visit her website at Karen-Anne Stewart.

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