Crypt of Bone, Arkane 2 Review

J.F. Penn the a New York Times bestselling author the dark fiction thriller, Crypt of Bone, An ARKANE Thriller #2.

I am a HUGE fan of her novels. I discovered JF about a year and a half ago when I was looking for resources on self publishing, you can read more about that here.

If you enjoy thrillers, with kick ass female leads then you should give this series a try. I did and I am hooked. I have more of J.F’s novels in my Kindle than any other author.

Below is my review of Crypt of Bone, An ARKANE Thriller #2.

Crypt of Bone JF PennSynopsis:

“I looked, and there before me was a pale horse. Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.” Revelation 6:8

The prophecy in Revelation declares that a quarter of the world must die and now a shadowy organization has the ability to fulfill these words. Can one woman stop the abomination before it’s too late?

From the catacombs of Paris to the skeletal ossuaries of Sicily and the Czech Republic, Morgan and Jake must find the Devil’s Bible and stop the curse being released into the world before one in four are destroyed in the coming holocaust. Because in just seven days, the final curse will be spoken and the prophecy will be fulfilled.


I love the adventures this series by JF Penn takes me on. Joanna certainly has a way with words. Her writing is easy to follow, her characters well developed and I truly appreciate the time and work put into the research that goes into these books. It makes is more authentic and makes me question if this could be real or not. I love that!

This series is not for the faint at heart, expect satanic rituals, cannibalism and edge of your seat moments in exotic locations. There were a lot of characters but their storylines were easy to follow and they were not wasted. I would have liked to find out what happens to Morgan’s friend but that was never concluded. There were a couple of slow moments for me and storylines that I felt dragged on the story but overall it was a good read.

I am excited to read book 3 in the ARKANE series.

Learn more about J.F. here.



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