Hello, pleased to meet you. My name is Angelina Kerner and I’m an author of sweet romance in two genres – chick-lit and paranormal. The dream to become an author came to me after reading books by James Clemens. The world he created was so vivid inside my mind that it was like watching a movie. I wanted to be able to do that, to make books act as movies inside the minds of readers. I started writing then and didn’t stop.
What is something unique/quirky about you?
My PA would say I’m super picky when it comes to looking for male models for my covers. I redid the cover for A Shade of Love, a WIP recently because I didn’t like the male model on it and kind of drove her crazy. 😉
What is something memorable that happened to you?
I got to meet Andy Weir, the author of The Martian a couple of years back. A really nice guy.
What are some of your pet peeves?
I can’t stand the sound of chewing gum or gum in any form. When people think they are higher than others- hearing I’m busy, can you do it?
Where were you born and where did you grow up?
I grew up in a town where I could play with other kids outside with my mother watching from her window from the fourth story. We climbed towers, paid for ice cream with coins, had hula hoop and jump rope competitions and really loved creating lizards out of beads.
How do you find time to write as a parent?
Write when the kid is asleep so in the mornings. Take notes on the phone when the kid’s eating or playing. Kids don’t really let you be on laptops or computers. They climb on desks or close the laptops.
Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie?
The Scented Bones or Into the Flames. Both are paranormal fiction books with awesome characters like a witch forensic anthropologist and a reincarnated queen out for revenge.
As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?
My logo has a fairy and a wolf on it. So my spirit would be a wolf and probably dragons since you’ll find them in my fiction writings.
What are you passionate about these days?
Honestly, not a clue. I did do research on Japanese culture for my WIP so maybe that lol
What do you do to unwind and relax
Either I read or watch a show. I’m simple. Sometimes, I meditate.
Who is your hero and why?
My grandfather who passed away before I was born. I heard he was a good man and the stories I’ve been told made me wish I would have had a chance to meet him.
About Angelina Kerner
Angelina Kerner is an author of paranormal and lighthearted romance. She’s the wife of a photographer/physicist, and the mother of a cute little toddler, but she’s also been a dancer, a psychologist, an anthropologist, a geographer, a dreamer, and an adventurer.
She does her best writing while being bothered by her cats, taking care of her son, in dressing rooms while waiting for family to try on clothing, and at home in sunny California.
Angelina loves to play goddess-dragon matchmaker, transporting readers to a place where young goddesses have lovable flaws, the Fates plan to dethrone, the universe is endless and untamed, and dragons roam free! She also loves to write carefree romance where one can finish reading with a smile.
Connect with Angelina on her Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Bookbub | Amazon | Goodreads
About the Book
Title: High Rise Love by Angelina Kerner
Genre: Sweet Romantic Comedy, Chick Lit
A weekend getaway from family and work. Only one fear- an elevator.
Lana Tanner decides that it’s time to woman up, because that view from the ridiculously expensive roof, twenty-five stories up should help with a break. Pulling up her big girl panties and embracing her fear she gets on that elevator, only to get stuck, her worst fear coming true. Can the handsome stranger she’s stuck with help her overcome her fears and will anything come of it?
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