Rita Mosiman Presents – Ancient Beauty

Ancient Beauty, Kasha Katuwe NM
Photo and thoughts by Rita Mosiman



Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument in north central New Mexico abounds with nature’s artistic sculptures, most of which are cone shaped, thus looking like tents.  This photo captures only a small amount of its variety of formations that reach up to New Mexico’s incredibly blue skies.  Tent Rocks is one of my favorite places to visit.  When I’m there, I always feel as if I were winding my way through an ancient city.  The contrasts of shadows and light, as well as colors, are thrilling to view.  It is impossible for me to go there without returning in a better frame of mind than when I arrived.


Serenity and Beauty book cover
Published by JB Stillwater 2013



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Rita Mosiman is an avid hiker who feels a strong connection to the land and nature’s artistry. In her book Serenity and Beauty she explores the true beauty that exists in the simplest of things.

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