Amazon Home Services

Did you know that Amazon offers home services? Neither did I. More to come after the legal spiel.

I recommend products that I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post contains affiliate links that cost you nothing. I may earn a small commission if you click on them.

Now that that’s out of the way. Soooo… Amazon Home Services, what is it, and why I think it is a good idea.

Beautiful home
Photo: B Mellish/Pexels

What is Amazon Home Services

If you live alone, are elderly, disabled, or just not handy around the house, listen up! In Amazon’s quest to take over the world, they now offer services that take care of your needs. Say you bought a new washer and dryer, from say, Amazon. If you don’t know how to hook up your new laundry care system, you can book a professional through Amazon to hook it up for you.

Want to mount your 107-inch flat screen TV to your wall? No problem, the Zon’s got you. The service ranges from furniture assembly to junk removal.

Why Choose Amazon Home Services?

According to Amazon, there are no hidden fees. You always know upfront what you are paying for. Scheduling is as easy as a regular checkout on Amazon. Select your service, schedule a time, then pay. Their pros are handpicked (and hopefully heavily vetted by Zon).

Why I think this is a good idea

This service saves time. If you order a washer/dryer from Home Depot they may direct you to someone to install it. If you order it from Amazon you don’t have to go looking for a pro to set it up for you. You can book it around your delivery time and Bob’s your uncle.

This is great for people like me; able-bodied humans who are just too lazy to watch a YouTube video to learn how to install a washer/dryer.

Check it out for yourself here.

If you’ve used the service drop your experience in the comments section.

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