Historical Change – Amara Royce

Today’s guest post is by Amara Royce author of Always A Stranger

Amara Royce author Always a Stranger
Amara Royce, Author

Historical Change and The More Things Change…

One of the many reasons I’m fascinated with the Victorian era is that it was a time of tremendous, unprecedented change. New technologies, new industrial developments, and new political structures all went hand in hand, revolutionizing the way people lived. And many of those changes not only directly impacted the world we know today but also persist in ways we may not always notice—in positive and negative ways.

In my first book, NEVER TOO LATE, photography was an underlying correlation between the Victorian world and ours. Photography was a new technology in the 19th century, and the ability to mass-produce the same image was revolutionary. Today, digital photography is everywhere. Anyone with a digital camera or a smartphone can capture an image of the most fleeting moments of our lives. In the 19th century, that was not the case. People had to pose for long periods in order for the film exposure to record the image. And yet the very idea that you could capture an exact image of a person, place, or thing was a revolutionary jump beyond artist renderings—it was a direct reflection of the world. And it could be used in both positive and negative ways.

It’s probably no surprise that photographic pornography dates back roughly to the beginning of photographic history. And as I wrote NEVER TOO LATE, it seemed logical to imagine that photography probably revolutionized the spread of pornography much the same way that the Internet has, and this correlation is a key part of NEVER TOO LATE’s plot.

In my newest book, ALWAYS A STRANGER, I address another dark Victorian problem that persists in our present day: human trafficking. Trafficking existed long before the 19th century, but it became a focus of public scrutiny and legal reform in the late 19th century.

These dark and horrifying subjects may not seem like the stuff of historical romance novels, but, to my mind, these correlations are significant elements of history. They may weigh down the romance, but they’re worth the weight when it comes to seeing how these issues impact our world today.

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Always a stranger by Amara RoyceAlways A Stranger by Amara Royce


When two worlds collide, anything is possible. . .

An international affair, London’s Great Exhibition has taken the city by storm. As its newest Royal Commissioner, Lord Skyler Ridgemont must ensure the performers are properly contracted. Among them is the delicate and graceful Hanako Sumaki. Draped in vivid silk robes, Hanako’s exotic Japanese fan dance captivates Skyler–and he longs to learn more about her. . .

But Hanako’s enigmatic employer keeps his exquisite charge very close. The consummate artist, she shows the handsome nobleman many faces, but never her true heart, which holds a desperate secret. When Skyler learns the real reason Hanako has been brought to London, he will risk his entire world to win her trust–and save her from losing both body and soul. It’s a feat that will require the type of courage only love can give. . .

Purchase Always a Stranger on Amazon or Barnes & Noble

About the Author

Amara Royce writes historical romances that combine her passion for 19th-century literature and history with her addiction to happily ever afters.

She earned a PhD in English, specializing in 19th-century British literature, from Lehigh University and a Master’s degree in English from Villanova University, and she now teaches English literature and composition at a community college in Pennsylvania.

When she isn’t writing, she’s either grading papers or reveling in her own happily ever after with her remarkably patient family.

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