Featuring Author Alyssa Drake

Photo Alyssa DrakeUSA Today Bestselling Author Alyssa Drake has been creating stories since she could hold a crayon, preferring to construct her own bedtime tales instead of reading the titles in her bookshelves.

A multi-genre author, Alyssa currently writes Historical romance, Paranormal romance, Contemporary romance, and Romantic suspense. She thoroughly enjoys strong heroines and often laughs aloud when imagining conversations between her characters.

She believes everyone is motivated by love of someone or something. One of her favorite diversions is fabricating stories about strangers surrounding her on public transportation. When she’s not whipping up chocolate treats in the kitchen, Alyssa can often be found madly scribbling notes on a train or daydreaming out the window as the scenery whips past.

What drew you to became an author?

I’ve been writing since I was ten years old. I used to read my stories to my mom at bedtime, but I didn’t become a full time writer until much later in life. When my family moved to the suburbs, my commute changed, putting me on the train for two hours a day (if not more). I decided to fill those two hours with writing. I began working on A Perfect Plan, writing it by hand because I didn’t have a laptop, and then entering the hand-written pages during my lunch break.

When the book was finished (which came as a bit of a shock, because I’d never written anything that long), I submitted it to an indie publishing company, they accepted the story, and I began writing the sequel.

Where did you grow up?

I was born in Orange County, in southern California. Although, I’ve lived all over the state, I ended up in the Bay Area and haven’t left since.

If you knew you’d die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day?

I’d spend it at the beach with my family. Nothing is more peaceful than the sound of the ocean waves as they crash against the shore. I’d miss that sound the most .

How do you find time to write as a parent?

It’s been difficult, especially with having to home school. I had to shift my writing schedule to the evenings when the kids are in karate. I write on my phone, which is slower than typing, but still quite effective.

Describe yourself in 5 words or less!

Playful, imaginative, energetic, responsible, and loving.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?

I didn’t consider myself a writer until I reached the USA Today Bestselling list. It’s not a standard I would apply to anyone else. But for me, it was the proof that this is more than just a hobby.

Do you have a favorite movie?

Pride and Prejudice – the version with Keira Knightly.

Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie?

The Wiltshire Chronicles. The first three books are connected, and must be read in order. When I was writing them, I could imagine the scenes playing out in front of me. Plus, I’d really like to see who’d play the twins, Benjamin and Thomas.

Connect with Alyssa on her Website | Facebook | FB Group | Twitter | Instagram | Bookbub | Amazon | Goodreads

About the Book

Book Cover Mistletoe HopesMistletoe Hopes Kisses Under the Mistletoe Book 1 by Alyssa Drake
Genre: Contemporary Romance


When a chance meeting under the mistletoe ignites a hidden attraction, Tess is forced to choose between fighting her desire or surrendering to love.

Christmas in the snow sounded like a brilliant idea when Kaitlyn pitched the idea of spending their annual sister holiday at a working ranch. However, mid-flight, Tess discovers Kaitlyn’s underlying motive is to spend the next seven days ogling the male owners of Dove Ranch.

Stuck in the snow with no electricity and a cowboy-crazy sister, Tess finds solace with the eldest brother, Weston, who deplores the suggestive misdirection of the ranch’s new advertising scheme. Agreeing to buffer Weston from the advances of the ranch’s eager guests, Tess finds herself falling for the man she offered to protect.

However, when Weston makes the ultimate sacrifice, Tess must decide if she’s willing to risk her heart on a cowboy.

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2 thoughts on “Featuring Author Alyssa Drake

  1. Thank you so much for featuring me and my book! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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