Book Talk with AL Long

When I first started writing nearly seven years ago, I wished that I knew what I know now.

The hardest part about writing isn’t writing the story but figuring how to promote it. I had no idea what I would do once I published my first book. There was a lot of trial and error.

One thing I learned early on was the importance of a launch team and or Street team. I have an amazing street team that has been with me for five years. I don’t know where I would be without them. Another must, finding readers who will become a part of an ARC team.

Reviews are an enormous part in determining how well your book sells. There isn’t one person who I know who wouldn’t love to receive a free book for an honest review.

The world is filled with self-published authors and I am one of them. When I first began writing I learned that there are many self-publishing companies out there all of which wanted to promote my book. They are not all what they are cracked up to be. Writer beware.  I learned the hard way.

I chose one of these companies and I was not impressed. Yes, they talked about marketing my book to film producers, book expos, and so on, but for a handsome fee.

I didn’t like the fact that didn’t have control over my work.  Needless to say, I ended my contract and now I have control over my work. Not to say that you won’t have better luck, but for me, I would never use a self-publishing company again.

About A.L Long

Award winning Author of the Independent Press Award and NYC Big Book Award. A.L. Long is also the recipient of the National Indie Excellence Award.

My love for writing began several years ago after an early retirement from a demanding job that I loved, but also hated because it consumed so much of my time. Now, I am able to focus my time on what I love. Writing romance has been a life long dream and to actually say that I am a published author is beyond what I would have ever expected.

Even though some may say I have a little naughtiness in my books, I look at it as an added bonus for my readers. After all what is a romance book without a little spice.

When I am not writing, I enjoy spending time with friends either at home or out on the town. Mostly, I enjoy a relaxing night at home where I can enjoy a glass of wine in the company of a good book.

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About the Book

Love Inside the Silence by A.L. Long
Genre: Romantic Suspense


Everything can change in a split second, before you can take your next breath.

Willow Parker had everything going for her, a future she dreamed of ever since she was a little girl would soon to become reality.

It’s funny how things can change in a split second, at the drop of a hat. I, for one, never thought that I would be a victim of those crazy idioms, but unfortunately, no one can predict what the future will bring or what will happen from one minute to the next. For me, my fate was decided five years ago. It was an unforeseen tragedy, one that no one deserved, especially me. How was I to know that changing my daily routine would have an outcome that would leave me in silence for the rest of my adult life?

One thing I didn’t count on was facing the man who changed my life forever.

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