
So… you’ve written a book, and have been trying for months, weeks, or years to find a publisher. Finally you’ve decided to self-publish… Now what?

Here are things to consider.

Is your book properly formatted for digital distribution and print?

Do you want your book released exclusively with Amazon or on other ebook sellers?

Has your book been professionally edited?

Do you have a cover? If you need one designed do you have examples of what you like?

What genre does your book fall into?

Do you have keywords picked out?

Are your synopsis and logline finished?

Do you have a website? Is it optimized for SEO and is it mobile-compatible?

Do you need help with book promotions and book launch ideas?

Do you have a mailing list? Or would you like to start one?

Overwhelming I know. I’ve published over 10 books of my own and have helped other authors with their self-publishing journey.

More about me and about Plain Talk Book Marketing

Looking for help with all of the above? Let’s chat.

Other resources.

So… You Want to Write a Book and other things you should know.



Adriana book 1 cover in tablet
Family Portrait 6
Viktor's Story
New Book cover for Changes
New cover for the Banovic Siblings
Book cover Bastard's Brew
Perfect Escape book cover
Book cover Bad Uncle Family Portrait Book 5
The Next Big Think Cover

Interior Layouts For Printed Books (Non-fiction)

Digital Layout (E-Books)

Illustrations (non-fiction)

Shale illustration

Ready to start your adventure? Connect with me so we can start the ball rolling.

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