About Plain Talk Book Marketing


Plain Talk Book Marketing was started by me, Gillian Felix. I am an author and entrepreneur (authorpreneur) who is passionate about writing. I always knew I wanted to be a writer from the day I held my first pencil. With an over active imagination, I was given my first hand-me-down typewriter at age 11, and have never stopped writing and creating.


Plain Talk Bad Manners was started as a blog which introduced me to website design, marketing etc. Once I got comfortable, I started this site in  November of 2012.


The main objective of Plain Talk Book Marketing is to help promote authors connect with readers. Enter blog tours. Blog tours have helped me with marketing my series and growing my audience.  Hence the reason I do it for others. It’s that simple.

*All product reviews on this site are affiliate links, either through Amazon or some other affiliate program.

**All book reviews by me are honest and I do not receive payment for them. I love to read and when I have the time, I review.

If you’d like me to review a product, leave a comment below.

At this time I am not reviewing any books as my TBR pile is almost through the roof.

Free Stuff for Authors

If you’re an author and would like to be featured on this website, contact me by email so we can set something up. This website is usually booked one month in advance.

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