The urgency of the 1,000-day countdown is doing exactly what we hoped: pressuring world leaders and businesses to sit up, take notice, and — most importantly — take action.

Global leaders came together to hold ministerial-level meetings on education and to commit to concrete actions needed to achieve universal education by 2015.
Some of the most important voices — including youth leaders, more than 250 members of civil society organizations, the United Nations Global Education First Initiative, the Global Partnership for Education, the World Bank, and USAID, just to name a few, were at the table for a series of events in Washington, D.C. — including one at the White House — where global education was at the top of the agenda. Now that we have the ear of these influential leaders, it’s time to keep pushing and build upon the work we have started.
There’s a lot to look forward to in the coming months, including Malala’s 16th birthday in July, when young people from around the world will mobilize and raise their voices — like the UN Youth Advocacy Group’s #UNYouthTakeover (more on that later).
Until then, help us keep the momentum going by sharing this graphic with your friends and networks.
There are 969 days until we conquer the Millennium Development Challenge; believe us, it sounds like a long ways away, but it’s not. The global education community needs your help to keep education in the public eye during every one of those 969 days if we want to see real change.
For additional reading check out these previous articles: and
Remember there is always something you can do to help, sharing information about these issues with your network can make a difference. No action is too small. We are all connected and part of a ripple effect.
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