Interview with Sabrina Rawson

Sabrina Rawson Blood OathHow did you start your writing career?

I began writing my first novel four years ago, however I spent many years before that taking a class here and there writing essays that I felt were phenomenal, but nothing had ever been published. I have always enjoyed writing.  My first book has a ton of errors in it and my second book is better, but my recent book, Blood Oath, is my baby.  I spent so much time perfecting the storyline, grammar and the character development.

Has someone been instrumental in inspiring you as a writer?

Survivors.  It doesn’t matter what type of adversity a person could be exposed to, they are my inspiration.  Recently, two women who went through cancer with me were my source of inspiration.  It was at that time I said why not, I’ll give my dream a try.  When they became terminal I cried because I was battling and winning when they were battling and losing.  One of them, Kim, she tells me to finish writing my book because “there is nothing wrong with having the time to follow your dreams.”  I spent two years writing my book in which six months was spent seeking professional advice and support stepping outside my comfort zone to achieve my dream of self-publication.

What is the hardest part of writing your books?

Having to turn life off and put my headphones on.  Once I turn social media off and open up my files I am ready to go.  My storyline becomes my playground.  I have to be very diligent about what happens with my time when I am creating.  With this novel I took up the challenge of NaNoWriMo and completed my 50,000 words in 30 days.  Through that writing process I discovered if I became diligent with my time daily during the creation process of writing a novel, I could set aside several hours a day just for writing.  Some days I would write more and others I would just use for research, but every day I write no less than 1500 words.  I spend more time now working to brand myself with my audience, market my novels and creatively write than I did when I worked full time!

What was one of the most surprising things you learned while writing this book?

That I could discipline myself to write daily.  By testing myself to adhere to this standard I found myself able to delve deep into the characters allowing the story to unfold in front of me.  My writing contemporary romance became fluid and visual.  I had a wonderful time exploring the depth of my character development with my daughter as she helped me to develop the difference between the psychopath and the sociopath.  It was fantastic to banter with someone about the book.  There was a time when we lived, ate and dreamed character/plot development.  Now THAT’s what I’m talking about!

What was the scariest moment of your life?

When my son died.  I thought, “What will life be like without him in it?”  I laughed when the men lowered him in the ground.  When he came into my life I thought, “What will life be like with you in it?”  Our time had come full circle and I knew when his beautiful white casket was lowered in the ground I would see him again.  That was twelve years ago this year and he passed when he was twelve.  It is no coincidence I remember that moment writing this to you having forgotten that thought until this very moment.

Blood Oath coverTitle:   Blood Oath by Sabrina Rawson
Published:  March 6th, 2015
Publisher: Titan InKorp Ltd.
Genre: Contemporary Romance Suspense
Content Warning:  Violence, Rape, Kidnapping, PTSD, Human Trafficking, Sexual Content
Recommended Age:  17+


Collin was prepared for anything, until he met her…

Collin spent fifteen years leading a team of operatives renowned for their zero failure rate of disrupting the horrors of human trafficking. Struggling with PTSD, he was ready to retire after one last mission. He had to stick to the mission and any distractions could lead to lives lost. His attraction to Madeline was instantaneous, a future filled with warm nights now possible. Meeting Madeline made him want to let life happen and she was the woman he wanted to share it with.

Madeline couldn’t believe her luck meeting Collin on her first vacation ever. She knew she was a workaholic, but she had to in order to be a successful business owner and overcome the stigma her parents had left behind. The more time spent with Collin, the more she wanted him to keep on looking at her for the rest of her life. Kidnapped, Madeline has trouble believing she can survive the abuse of her captors. Remembering who she used to be, Madeline retains hope the one man she loves will rescue her.

Neither will stop at anything until they can hold each other in their arms again.

Real life situations from human trafficking to PTSD. This story is about not giving up on life. Doing all things impossible to survive one more day.

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About Sabrina Rawson

Sabrina Rawson

Sabrina is a cancer survivor who recently published works with Survivor’s Review and Titan InKorp Online eMag. She has published two novels within a New Adult Urban Fantasy series called A Novel of four Realms and a new Contemporary Romance Suspense Novel series called An Eagle Operatives Novel.  She enjoys life happily married to a supportive husband. You can always find her reading a book or cooking a meal for her multitude of children.

Connect with Sabrina: Amazon Author Page | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads | Website


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