Bestselling Author M.J. Fields – Irons

Today’s guest post is by bestselling author M.J. Fields. Welcome M.J.

M.J, Fields, AuthorI don’t know if my writing process is very unique or interesting, but I will give it a try.

The story

I have at least five going in my head at any given time. I call it “crazyville” because it is. The stories come to me from a hundred different direction but they all start the same way. People. I see them I watch them (Not in a creepy way, I swear) and I want to know about them. I want to ask them why they look happy, why the look sad, why they yelled at someone, why the helped someone, why, why, why. I am by no means shy but honestly if I asked everyone “Why” they may in fact find it creepy (again its not, I still swear) so I don’t. I just try to imagine it.

I guess since becoming a mother it has gotten worse. I have a daughter who is my greatest gift. She is kind, caring, helpful, and wears her heart on her sleeve. When she was younger she often asked why, this one was not happy, or why this one was mean, or why this one didn’t have clean clothes and doesn’t say anything to people when they pick on them, or why…. You all get the point I’m sure. Anyway, I try to tell her we are not them and they all have a story or a reason why they behave the way they do. You never know what happened to them before school or before practice etc.

I push her to look deeper and think of how she would act if her parents where unable to provide for her or if I taught her it was alright to treat others like they were less important. I teach her that many things make up who a person is and what drives them to be who they are at any given time.
That’s how a story always starts for me. Looking deeper and imagining what makes a person tick.

I do not outline and writing a synopsis before a book is finished wouldn’t work for me. I right the way the story wants to be told.


I would love to say I wrote during the day, now that this is my full time job but that’s not true. If I know I have to stop at a certain time to start something else my creativity is shot.

If my family is watching TV and settling in for the night I tend to pop in headphones and open up the laptop. Music makes me feel deeper so if I need incentive I turn on music and hope.

I honestly write way more at night, when everyone is asleep and everything is quiet. I write until I can no longer keep my eyes open or until I am emotionally spent. Otherwise I wouldn’t sleep because crazyville is very active when I know my real life family has been nurtured, loved, fed, and tucked in for the night before I can take care of my fictitious family.

Irons Tour Banner

Irons (The Norfolk Series #1) Irons by M.J. Fields book coverby M.J. Fields
Publication date: August 10th 2014
Genres: New Adult, Romance



I was born and bred to be the man I am today. My father and his father were both graduates from The United States Naval Academy in Annapolis. Both went on to become helicopter pilots. Both had seen plenty of action. Both had met and caused devastation. Both men, who I respect more above all, had served and protected the United States and her people honorably for decades.

My best friend, William Cruz, who attended the academy with me, had flown beside me, had lived the same life as I had and shared the same ambitions in life, was gone now. This was not part of the plan. Will and I were supposed to have each other’s backs, support each other and never let anything supersede our bond.


I sat on Norfolk Beach needing to feel close to him on the anniversary of his death. It was a beautiful day in May and I was cutting class. I had done the same every year since he passed.

Jaxson Irons was only supposed to be in Pensacola for a year. But now three years later I still hadn’t heard from him. I saw a man running down the beach and I knew immediately who it was.

Jaxson didn’t respond the way I had dreamed he would. He told me we would catch up someday soon. I stood and watched until he was gone.
Thump, thump. I placed my hand on my chest as I felt my heart beat again for what felt like the first time in three years. Thump, thump. I felt the blood moving quickly through my body. Its heat once again present. Thump, thump. I looked up at the sky and let out a breath. A breath that I had been holding forever. Thump, thump.

I felt tears fall down my face as I raised my hands in the air and laughed out loud. Just then the clouds parted for the first time in forever. I saw the sun smiling down on me.

Add Irons to your Goodreads shelf.

Purchase Irons: Book 1 of the Norfolk series (Volume 1) | B&N

About M.J.

M.J, Fields, Author

MJ Fields’s love of writing was in full swing by age eight. Together with her cousins, she wrote a newsletter and sold it to family members. Today, she has four self-published series comprised of seventeen titles, including Men Of Steel, which was acquired by Swoon Romance in June 2014. MJ is a bestselling erotica author and former small business owner, who recently closed the business so she could write full time.

MJ lives in central New York, surrounded by family and friends. Her house is full of pets, friends, and noise ninety percent of the time, and she would have it no other way.

Contact the Author: Website | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter

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